
Information on this site is managed by Bivouac Media Pty Ltd (“the company”), the owner of “Scout”. The company has used reasonable endeavours to try to ensure that all information and instructions on this site are accurate, up-to-date and safe but it is ultimately reliant upon others. The company is not liable to any party whatsoever for any loss or damage of any type and howsoever caused. Further, errors may have occurred as a result of matters outside of the company’s control, changes over time or human error. Scout is designed to convey the opinions of staff, freelance writers and others. They are expressions of opinion. In addition, Scout is supplied with information by our suppliers; hotels, resorts, operators and others. The company assumes no responsibility, and disclaims all liability, for, any omissions, inaccuracies, or errors in the website and in any maps, media or linked documents. All bookings made through this website are subject to the Terms & Conditions as set out on this website. For various accommodation, activities and businesses, Scout also contains links to the respective third-party websites for your own convenience. These sites are not controlled by the company, which is not responsible for the content of any linked sites. Skiing is an unpredictable sport that necessarily contains risks. The company takes no responsibility for injuries, loss or damage that may occur as a result of any booking made directly or indirectly through this website.

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Due to the current uncertainty of future travel surrounding COVID 19, our regular T&Cs are overridden by individual supplier cancellation policies. We will clearly communicate all cancellation policies prior to confirming any booking, so you can be confident with your plans and book risk free.

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